The Class of 1984 Welcomes You to

The Road to #Reunion40!

The Road to Reunion 40: Spelman Class of 1984

It’s been forty years since we donned caps and gowns and anxiously awaited the call of our names to receive our diplomas. It was a heady and exciting time. We felt anticipation mixed with joyful giddiness. But our collective thoughts were on maintaining our Spelman College friendships and hopes for the future. That was forty years ago. And much of life has happened in the meantime. We have learned, lamented, and loved. We have succeeded, accomplished, and made lasting differences. And now we have a defined and distinct opportunity to fortify our classmate circle and tighten ties that bind. Yes, it’s reunion time—May 2024— Spelman sisters. And we pray you answer the call.

Four decades—so it’s time to reconnect, hug, and share long-held stories to establish a more fixed and durable connection with each other. So, whether by Uber, plane, or train, grab your white dress and black pumps and return to our beloved campus. You will be welcomed with open arms because this moment is for us.

Now we need your input and expertise as we plan our 40th reunion. There are numerous opportunities for participation to make our week more than memorable. So, find a committee on which you can serve. Please scroll through our class website to determine where you best fit. Send pictures of then and now that show growth, our families, and lifelong friendships. And answer when your Spelman sister calls or messages because we need to hear from you. Then dedicate yourself to donating, because your financial support pays it forward, establishes our 1984 class legacy, and gives another Spelman woman an invaluable experience. Giving is foundational. *(How to donate can be found on the financial page.)

Forty years is worthy of celebration, so let’s shoot for the moon and defy expectations. Let’s party and break bread with our Morehouse brothers, walk through the Spelman Arch two- by-two, and sing the Spelman hymn with a knowing conviction because we have lived the lyrics. We will observe our sacred traditions and embrace the new. We will remember the classmates we have lost. And we will, once again, look to the future. This is the Road to Reunion 40, but it only happens if we have you—so come home.


We’ll ever faithful be,
Spelman College 1984 Reunion Committee