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“We miss you, Sisters”

If you have an email address, phone #, or address for any of our classmates, please submit this form. Thanks!


Spelman Sister Contact Info

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Frequently Asked Questions


Who qualifies as a Spelman Alumna?

You are considered an Alumna if: 

  • You are a graduate of Spelman College
  • You are a former student who completed one semester with at least 12 credit hours, but did not graduate
Am I in the Class of 1984?

You are considered a member of the Class of 1984 if:

  • You graduated in 1984 
  • You entered Spelman as a Freshman in the 1980-81 school year
  • You transferred to Spelman with graduation year of 1984 
  • You requested to be associated with the Class of 1984, even if you graduated in another year (i. e. Dual Degree Engineering Program, December graduation, etc.)